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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ouch! My Back!

For those who know me, my back injury has become the vice in my life. In 2006, I was clumsy and slipped on a rug while carrying my son. My son was 5 yrs old and while most would not carry their children at that son has special needs and plus it was late at night and he was sleep. So you can imagine the strain this accident caused on my back. Immediately, I felt something snap in my back but I shook it off and kept going. It was not until later that night, when I felt pulsating in my back, did it alarm me. But one thing I failed to mention is that my grandmother had passed that day so my mind really was not focused on me, we were instead sitting around making funeral arrangements when the pulsating began. I made it through the funeral and as I lay in bed one morning, I attempted to get up and couldn't. I had severe and agonizing was paralyzing pain. I called for my mom and for some odd reason I thought my leg was dislocated. When I attempted to move my leg, I experienced a sharp pain. I would later find out that it was my disc pressing against a nerve.

I had to use my deceased grandmother's walker and then a wheelchair to make it to emergency. With the help of my mom and aunt, I transitioned from the bed, to the car, and then to the emergency room. The doctor didn't see anything in the x-ray (they had me on a dislocation bed since that's what we thought it was). But luckily, my doctor suffered from back pain himself and knew what it was. He referred me to his chiropractor. After a few chiropractic sessions, I was much better. But these sessions were not for the was painful to move the herniated disc back into position slowly but surely..not to mention all of the inflammation from the injury.

I thought I was cured and for a while I was okay. In 2008 or so I began to suffer from back pain like clockwork...every 2 months at minimum and lets not talk about the sciatica. That summer, I couldn't walk for an entire month even with chiropractic services. Just imagine being a mom and not being able to care for your children. They want to sit on your lap or be picked up and you can't. I see why pain management services, counseling , etc go hand in get depressed.

My pain continuously happened b/c of the constant lifting involved with my son. Lifting and moving him to change his diaper, lifting him to eat at the table, lifting him into the car, assisting him out of the bathtub, and so much more. Everyone told me...YOU HAVE TO STOP LIFTING HIM...but umm who was going to do it then? I'm a single mom lol. So instead of saying stop lifting your special lil ones....I'm going to provide resources. Check out our article in the news section. Enjoy!

My chiropractor has some exercises that can help with back pain. See the website: Clements Chiropractic Back Exercises

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